Starting in fall of 2023, I stepped into a role at the Mississippi Scholastic Press Association which heavily revolves around social media marketing. The project has given me a new passion that I had never fully uncovered. I also have previous experience through Cups, an Espresso Cafe. 
 Below are examples of my work so far! 
Friday Night Lights with MSPA
The mission of MSPA is to support high school journalism. I noticed that we only have one award to recognize livestream productions during our spring convention. That is where I came up with the idea to post a list of schools with student run livestream productions every week during football season to connect others and give their show a boost that they deserve. 

The list is posted every Friday and includes an attached graphic in our LinkTree that takes your directly to the livestream page. 
Fall Convention 
The "main event" of the semester is our MSPA Fall Convention in Hattiesburg, MS. Over 400 students gather at the University of Southern Mississippi to attend breakout session, meet new connections, and be rewarded for their hard work throughout the school year. I took to social media to give students and faculty all of the need to know information for convention while also coming up with new ways to get students involved and excited! 

Live Posting
During the convention itself, I did "live postings" on our Instagram story. I mainly focused on asking students questions to be featured. Through this, our engagement skyrocketed that day and sometimes it felt like I had too MUCH content. Which has never been an issue that has come up for us. ​​​​​​​
Instagram Takeover
Running back to our mission statement, as a scholastic association, the students are our main priority. Throughout the semester, we ask our MSPA member schools if their students are interested in doing a takeover of the MSPA Instagram story. This has been an amazing opportunity to give students a platform with full creative control. Along with the takeover, I write a feature story on their journalism program for the official website. The main goal is to give every school the opportunity once a school year. 

Keeping Engagement
After our Fall or Spring Conventions, we tend to run into a "dead area" where there isn't a lot of MSPA news that needs to be posted. This time is crucial with keeping up with trends and other important resources for students. 
Cups, an Espresso Cafe 
While I was a barista at Cups, I was also asked to help run the Instagram account. I made graphics, took photos, and helped come up with new ideas to increase engagement. 

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